129th Season Opening Concert

Thursday Musical is pleased to announce the beginning of its 129th season of connecting our outstanding Classical Music artists with our community. We champion local music! 

In response to the national health emergency our usual planning stages had to change. We are unable to put out a season brochure as everything is still in flux.  But Thursday Musical is determined to move forward, planning in increments of 3-month periods, until the situation stabilizes and things becomes clearer.  We will be using Zoom to share our first 3 concerts.  We know how important music is to our community!

Our free Opening Concert, “Music, the Thread of Hope”  will be at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, October 1, 2020.  We have arranged with MacPhail and our audio engineer Bill Lund to record our performing artists on-stage in Antonello Hall at the MacPhail Center for Music in Minneapolis.  We will share their performances with you using Zoom on October 1st and continue in this manner until we are able to return to in-person concerts.  MacPhail will be reevaluating  when to open its building up to the public again, possibly at the end of January.

Featured on our Opening Concert will be some of our new Artist members:  pianist Sara Langmead, mezzo-soprano Kristina Rodel Sorum accompanied by Mary Goetz, and the Clarianne Duo of violinist Aja Majkrzak and harpist Hannah Palmquist.  We will be venturing into new territory with these Zoom concerts and hope that you will enjoy and be inspired by their music.

The Zoom connection will be available on our website, thursdaymusical.org, our Facebook page and e-mailed out to members a a few days previous to the concert. For information on how to download Zoom onto your computer please contact our Operations Manager, Tara Priolo at Tara@thursdaymusical.org.

Sylvia Wilson